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The art of crafting a perfect thesis statement: What exactly you should write in your thesis statement


Many people struggle and find it hard to write a perfect thesis statement. The reality is well-crafted thesis statement is the heart of any successful thesis.

Your thesis statement serves as a roadmap that guides your readers through your writing, it provides a succinct summary of your main arguments and highlights the questions you are embarking to answer.

If writing is not your forte then this blog will distill all the information on how to craft a perfect thesis statement. Equally, if you are a seasoned writer this blog post could serve as reference tool to many techniques and nuances that you might have forgotten about.

So then, without further delay this blog will cover key main elements of a perfectly written thesis statement. The key elements discussed are

Objective of the Thesis statement

Understand that a thesis statement is not merely a general sentence that you write in your thesis. Unlike many other parts parts of your thesis that will serve as fillers, a thesis statement serves a very critical function in your thesis.

The core function of your thesis statement is to present your central ideas or hypothesis and give a brief overview how you intend to test those hypothesis you have provided. Additionally, your thesis statement will provide the reader with a an understanding of the scope of your work. This is very critical since the reader has to decide from reading your statement if they should keep on reading or the that the thesis does not contain what they are searching for and therefore they should end up there.

Core idea of the thesis statement

As highlighted above, as a write you have to make it easier for the reader to decide if they should read your thesis but also if your thesis contains what they are searching for. To do this very effectively, you have to construct your core ideas in a way that is simple and understandable to the reader. Your core idea should answer the question what core message you are trying to explore or what is your major hypothesis.

Your statement should be specific and brief

Avoid being broad, this usually can result into your statement being vague. A well crafted thesis statement will always be specific and goes directly to the point that has to be addressed. If you have sentences that do not offer value or critical information about your idea consider removing them.

Incite discussion

A compelling thesis statement presents an argument that can incite a discussion and debated from contrasting ideas. This is a canonical feature of an academic thesis statement. Although your thesis should not necessarily be of academic nature, it’s virtue to incite a discussion from contrasting ideas can not be overlooked.

Layout a plan

Your thesis statement should provide a brief layout of the structure of your thesis. Consider this as a one sentence trailer of the movie you are about to narrate to you readers. This of course demands you that your narrative must have a proper logical flow of events for you to be understood.

Revise and Revise and Revise again

No one has ever written a great work on one sitting without multiple reviewing and editing. A lot of editing and proper arrangement of ideas takes place after the first draft. Do not hesitate to share your work with your friends who are not familiar with the subject. If lay people can understand the questions you are addressing then you have pretty much done a great job. keep on editing and revising until when you are satisfied.

Statement placing is critical

Your thesis will likely start with a general introduction of the topic. the upper body of your introduction will likely be very broad. as you go down, you go deeper and specific. This leads you to a specific topic and specific question. Thus, your thesis statement will likely be at the end off tour introduction where all information have been laid out. This is important as it insures that the reader has got enough information about the topic before the key question of the thesis has been introduced.

Provide Conclusion

A great thesis statement provided a brief recap of what the question was, how the question was addressed and key findings in the thesis. it then provided potential implication of the findings and provide future recommendations if any.