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A brief introduction to copywriting: The art of crafting words that move people

Copywriting, the art and science of influencing people through words of writing, it is an important arsenal in sales . Due to the advance of technology, copywriting has become ubiquitous in sales, it is now applied in writing compelling product descriptions to engaging social media posts and many other social media campaigns. Here we highlight key points on why crafting words that captivate and convert customers are extremely important-especially in today’s market where customer attention span is very short.

Use copywriting to engage and connect with your prospects: By using copywriting, you can connect with your potential customers by delivering your message using a language that resonates with the target customers, this in turn incites an emotional connection and building trust with those people. Alternatively, the people who found your message helpful will share with their relatives, friends, and colleagues. That is how you build a customer base.

Another important key spect of a good copy is to drive conversions: as indicated above, if your copy is compelling it will persuade reader to take the desired action, such as buying the product, signing up to a newsletter, following your page or sharing the message with others. Remember, the ultimate goal of a copywriting campaign is to make people take action.

With a good copy you are more likely to make people remember your ad, and ultimately have them talk about your brand or product over and over gain. So then, a great campaign will grow your brand by making the brand memorable for a long time. Similarly, a great copy will make people associate a certain product to certain words or brand. So then, What does itb take to make a copy that compels and sell?

Have a killer headlines: In copywriting, having a compelling headline is like having 90 percent of the work done. Headlines creates a funnel that pulls people in to read the copy. Although the other sections of the copy are still important, but without catching people attention you will not have anyone read your copy. So there you have it, The major goal of your headline is to make people go read the copy. That is the all purpose of the headline, the function of the first sentence therefore is to make people read the next one.

If you are selling a product, make your copy be based on what benefits does it offer to the customer and not the product features. This is because when people are searching for a product they are searching for one that will be able to solve the problem that they have. pre market research is therefore important for the success of your campaign.

Copy that sell and convert very well are copy that use simple language and are very concise. Therefore, write your copy in a language that is direct, use story telling style and keep it as simple as if you are talking to a 10 year old.